Monday, June 25

Hey cute blog, what's up?!

So I've been a little off my blogging game this week {no posts since last Saturday?!}. But between unexpected family visits, work work work, wrapping up classes, and other responsibilities, life has just taken priority.

A couple of weeks ago, I talked about Jessica from Lovely Little Things' "Smell the Roses" project {read about that here if you're confused}. I was so excited for her task this week, "Get Creative!", because let's be honest, I love doing all things creative. I had big dreams of knocking some project ideas off my to-do list, but did I tell you about my busy week?? So instead, I totally revamped my blog design!

If you aren't familiar with my old look, here's a glimpse at the first header I made:

And, I don't know... I wasn't feeling it. So I re-did it! And made buttons and a welcome photo to match... But first I cycled through some options:

But everybody's got hearts, right? So I decided to go with hand drawn stars for a touch of whimsy. Finally, I landed on: 
I love it, personally. And I made matching everything! I made post footers and navigation buttons and a welcome photo -- oh yeah! 

I mean, I'd post pictures of those things, but you can see them by looking at my page of course. So look! And let me know what you think -- I'd love to hear your thoughts! 

So thanks to Jessica, for prompting all of us to get creative. Creativity makes me world go round. ;) 
Lovely Little Things
let's connect ---> facebook // instagram // twitter // pinterest // rss


  1. Love the star!!! Very cute blog girl!

  2. So awesome!
    I'm semi-jealous of your design skills...I have close to zero ;)

    I'm glad that you went with the star versus the heart!

    Thanks for linking up, girl!

  3. i too like the star! Very creative!



Thank you so much for your interest in my post! I'd love to hear your thoughts. :)