Monday, June 11

Treatin' Myself!

I've been following Jessica's blog {Lovely Little Things} for a little while now, and I love her "Smell the Roses" series! Basically, she posts a prompt that encourages us to slow down a bit and do something during the coming week to help us appreciate the little things. This week, her Smell the Roses task was to do something for yourself.

I definitely relate to her on the whole, putting-others-before-myself thing, and because of that I've been guilty of a few mini-meltdowns where I freak out at Scotty about how I don't have time for myself... Oops! All evidence that time for yourself is of vital importance to one's mental well-being, am I right?

So this week, I spent some time on me. I didn't do anything BIG, but I took some time to clean my messy apartment and to prep veggies and other healthy choices for the week. Now, I realize that these things seem silly or even lame, but trust me, taking the time to do these things does wonders for my mental clarity. I feel so much calmer when my space is organized and clean, and I feel better about myself when I eat well.

It's so easy to push you-time aside at the end of a long day full of work and school and other obligations. BUT if you can find the time, or better yet, MAKE the time to do something that you know will make you feel good, do it! By all means, do it, folks! :)

Anyway, check out Jessica's blog for some fantastic posts and this week's Smell the Roses:

Lovely Little Things
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1 comment:

  1. UM HEY I think doing little things like these ones are awesome!
    I'm the same way...I feel so much better when I have a clean space and I'm eating clean...SO...GET IT GIRL :)

    Thanks for linking up!
    Happy Monday!


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