Saturday, December 1

Day 02: DIY Snowflake Garland

Today, I bring you a super easy DIY snowflake garland using snowflake felt stickers and pretty ombre yarn!

I found these glittery felt stickers when I was wandering the aisles of Michael's for an hour. They were already super cheap, but were on sale too! I got a pack of 21 snowflakes and made about 6 feet of garland...

This process: super simple. Basically, you're sandwiching yarn between two of the stickers.

I found that it was easiest to remove the sticker-back across the center of the first snowflake, stick down the yarn, then remove the sticker-back across the center of the second snowflake, make a yarn sandwich, then remove the rest of the sticker-back to fully attach the snowflakes to each other! Repeat a few inches down the yarn {to your taste, of course} until you're out of snowflakes!

 And voila!

You can hang it like a garland... I thought this looked a little sad with just the one strand though, so I'll be adding more garlands soon. :) Enjoy, beautiful people!
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