Thursday, February 21

Craft Envy: Granny Squares

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It's amazing how much your tastes change as time passes, am I right? I used to hate granny square crochet... Then I liked it for a hot second. Then I got over it again. And now I'm obsessed. I actually started a crochet afghan made from granny hexagons a few years ago, and have made very little progress. Oops.

In addition to finishing that blanket (someday), I'd really like to try new granny patterns, and maybe a granny square pillow, aww! All these grannies are totally inspiring me right now. I love the colors and the patterns.

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Have you made a granny square project? How do you feel about granny patterns?

P.S. I just recently signed up on Ravelry & am loving it! If you knit or crochet, you should totally join, and if you're already a member, look me up! I'm loving looking at everyone's projects and sharing my own. :))
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  1. Girl! You know I love this! I started a granny square blanket a long time ago...and opted to make it one big granny square because the process of joining all those squares wore me out.'s about the size of a lap blanket. I really should finish! So much I want to do, so little time!

    Get on that blanket! I want to see a finished picture!

  2. Crochet potholders! Why did I not think of that? Thanks for the idea! Our potholders at home are kinda ugly. A crochet potholder will definitely be pretty and functional. I can't wait to try making granny squares!

    1. Claire, I know right?! I had the same revelation, haha! Plus you can make them to match your kitchen decor! :) Can't wait to see how yours turn out! ♥♥

  3. I just adore those ones in the embroidery hoops. How clever. I think the most fun thing about granny squares is all the colors you can use. So fun!

  4. OOOOO--I adore that afghan with the plus signs. Wow. What a great color palette and creative use of granny squares. Might be my next project...

    1. Isn't that beautiful!? That's my favorite one too! I love it!! ;)


Thank you so much for your interest in my post! I'd love to hear your thoughts. :)