Friday, March 14

Crochet Shamrocks

Good news friends. I am 100% healed from my cold-of-death, woot! Now March is halfway over and I have no idea where the days have gone. I'm gearing up for a big trip that I haven't even told you about yet, but more on that later. Right now I want to show you these shamrocks I made from some crochet hearts. Look how cute! And super simple. Check out the full tutorial on the Think Crafts blog and leave some love! 

My birthday is in less than a week. The big 2-4. I'll have to accept that I'm officially in my mid-twenties... MID-twenties. I've been having a lot of dreams that I'm back in high school lately. What does that mean?? Like, I'll wake up and forget that college even happened. Weird, right? I wonder what it means... 

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  1. Happy early birthday and I'm glad you are feeling better! What a creative twist with the crochet hearts!

    1. Oh geez, triple thank you for the birthday wish, well-wish, and the compliment on the shamrocks! xx

  2. These are adorable, thanks for sharing :)

  3. They are adorable, and shared on my FB fan page.....Sanderellas

  4. Oh these are so cute! What a great idea for St. Patrick's Day. These are going on my to-do list for next year's decorations!


    1. Thank you Jenni! How I wish I could make holiday decor in a timely manner, hah! I finished these really early for me! ;)



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