Thursday, December 20

Day 05: DIY Pallet Christmas Tree

This, my friends, is one of my favorite projects to date. A light-up faux Christmas tree unlike the faux trees in stores (that generally just make me long for the real deal). I was inspired by this lovely Advent calendar by the girls at A Beautiful Mess. But an advent calendar, while super cool, has never been one of my holiday traditions... And as this is my first year in an apartment, I already new I needed a FAKE tree (gasp). I had been dreaming up ideas for DIY wooden marquee letters for a while, and new this was a good opportunity to test out the process. And thus, I give you a light-up tree made from one of my favorite found materials -- a pallet!

I recognize that this DIY is not so DIY-able for everyone, but I'll walk you through the steps anyway. I'm fortunate to have a stepdad with lots of power tools and a huge work space that I can use.

First things first, I stole this pallet. I spotted it next to a dumpster and promptly pulled over, stowed it in my trunk, and drove away.

Now... This whole project was a giant experience in trial-and-error, so these pictures aren't always going to match the instructions I'll give, because the steps we took weren't always necessary. Like this picture above... My revised plan made this step unnecessary.

So here's my attempt at "steps":
  • Step 1: Cut down the length of the pallet on each side, front and back, cutting the side boards off the pallet altogether. You will be left with a center beam with lots of perpendicular boards attached. **We used a table saw, but I imagine you could work with a circular saw or even a jigsaw if that's what you have available.**
  • Step 2: Using a crowbar, pry the boards on the back of the beam off (the "back" should only have 2 - 3 boards rather than a bunch). The boards will probably splinter and break during this process, and that's fine. When the back is done, flip the pallet over and pry off one or more boards at one end on the "front." This will make your tree's "trunk," so how many boards you want to remove is up to you. I removed one.  
  • Step 3: Measure your boards and mark your cuts. I decreased each board's length by 1.5" on each side as I moved up. Make sure to measure out from the center beam so that the boards are equal on each side. To clarify, on the right side starting at the bottom, say I measured out from the center beam to 12", on the next board up I measured to 10.5", then 9", 7.5" and so on. Then repeat on the left side so that the boards will be centered on the center beam. 
  • Step 4: Starting with the top board, cut along your measured lines. (see above photo)
Now, like I said, this was a lot of trial-and-error. So we initially cut the top of the pallet off, which made my tree shorter than I wanted. So to me, the above did not look tree-y enough, so I revised the plan!

  • Step 5: Make a triangle "top" for your tree. One of my favorite (and simplest) tricks is to make a "model" out of simple scrap paper. Measure the full length of your current top board, and subtract 3" (1.5" for each side); this will be your width. Now measure the height of one board (mine was 2.5") and double that (2.5"x2=5"); this will be your height. Cut a piece of scrap paper to these dimensions (mine ended up being 10"x5"), and fold it in half (across the width) to find the center. Now draw lines connecting the bottom corners to the top center line, forming a triangle, and cut it out. I held my triangle up to the tree to make sure it looked good before cutting my wood. 
  • Step 6: Using one or two of the scrap boards you pried off the pallet at the beginning, trace the bottom half of your triangle on one section of board, and the top half on another. Cut along your traced lines with you saw. 
  • Step 7: My center beam wasn't tall enough for my triangle, so I cut a piece from one of the side beams we cut off at the beginning. The "notch" pictured isn't necessary; my stepdad was just feeling fancy or something, and really, it didn't work. Just cut a piece tall enough for your triangle boards. I eyeballed it using my paper triangle. You don't want the center beam to be as tall as your top triangle, or it will show, so keep the width of your center beam in mind. 
Ignore the notch!!! You don't need it, I promise!
  • Step 8: Attach your top piece to the existing center beam using mending braces. I used T-braces because I had them on hand, but straight braces will work too. You can typically find these near the door hardware at your hardware store.

  • Step 9: Screw your triangle pieces into your center beam, centering the boards as much as you can. I eyeballed it. I suggest drilling pilot holes, as pallet wood can be pretty nasty and tough to drill into. (I used 1" screws)
Pretty tree-like, right? But not good enough, folks... I wanted lights!

Now this stage took lots of testing and experimenting and screwing things up to get it right, but once we figured things out, it was a breeze to get done.
  • Step 10: Figure out where you want your lights and mark the wood accordingly. You may find it helpful to draw it out on paper. 
  • Step 11: Using a 1.25" bit and a good/powerful drill, drill almost through the wood in your marked areas. You want to leave about 1/4 - 1/8" of wood, but nothing more, or your lights won't reach. 
  • Step 12: Using a 5/8" bit, drill through the center of each hole. **you can see the two holes in the above photo**

  • Step 13: I bought these lights at Target with the Christmas lights stuff, and they had this giant plastic lip on the backs that was keeping the lights from screwing in through the wood. I cut the plastic lip off using scissors (a lot easier than you'd think), and that did the trick! If you can find lights without the excess plastic, less work for you! But it really went pretty quickly. **DO NOT CUT THE PLASTIC WITH THE LIGHTS PLUGGED IN!** You don't want to nick the metal and shock yourself!

  • Step 14: Insert your light bulb through the front, and screw into the socket on the cord!

  • Step 15:  Initially I thought it'd be cool to hang this on a wall, but I nixed that idea since it would mean putting an anchor into the drywall and an extension cord hanging down my wall. So using a scrap piece of pine 1x10, I attached the center beam to the board as a base. I used pocket holes and my Kreg jig, because it's my new favorite toy, but you could also screw through the base and into the center beam from the bottom with long screws. 
And ta-da!! Isn't she lovely? I love it. Boyfriend thought my make-shift fleece "tree skirt" looked messy, so I apologize if you agree... I was just trying to hide the ugly extension cord!

What do you think?? It required a lot of tools, but do you think it's something you'd ever try?

Regardless, happy holidays, internet! I'm just over here frantically sewing and crocheting things. I always leave hand-made gifts for last.... Oops. ;)
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Tuesday, December 11

Annual Christmas Panic Attack

I'm sure I'm not alone in this, but I just realized that Christmas is two weeks form today. TWO WEEKS! That's FOURTEEN DAYS. What even. Where has December been running away to? I mean, really...

I "mentally" started Christmas shopping months ago. But realized last night that I have literally only really shopped for one person. AHHH. Oops.

I'm blaming finals. And the fact that all of my course projects are due at the same time! As I type this, I should be typing out the rest of my unit plan and accompanying power points and worksheets... But I'm so unmotivated! Oye Chihuahua... {that's what I say when I'm overwhelmed, obviously ;)}.

Scott and I got a Christmas tree for his house yesterday. Now his place smells amazing! And my sad, unbelievably messy apartment is sorely lacking in Christmas decor. Is there a craft-supply version of Hoarders? Because I could totally be on that. ;)

Now this is where I concede that there aren't enough days left to really execute my 25 Days properly. BUT I still have some good things lined up, promise! Once I get through these final classes... It's all crafts, all the time in my world! :)

Anyone else TOTALLY FREAKING OUT that Christmas is so close?! C'mon, I can't be the only one...
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Friday, December 7

Day 04: Felt Christmas Tree Ornament

I can't lie to you... My family is not suuuuper big on traditions. I guess we have some, but we tend to be relatively flexible when it comes to the holidays. One tradition we DO have, however: decorating the tree together with nothin' but handmade ornaments! I personally own very few store-bought ornaments, so making ornaments is something near and dear to my heart.

This project was a little more involved than the previous DIYs, but so worth it in my opinion. 

Stuff you'll need:
Green felt, polyester fiberfill, embroidery thread in your color of choice, needle, light bulb beads {from Michaels}, small wooden flower pot, gold glitter, glue {plain ol' Elmers}, 0.75" pom poms, tacky glue, sewing machine & thread

What you've gotta do:
  1. Cover your wooden flower pot in glue {just slather it on} and sprinkle that baby with TONS o' glitter. I put the pot in a ramekin before dumping glitter on it, to avoid a glitter-disaster. Then just let it dry for a while.  
  2. While that's drying, fold your felt over and cut out a triangle in your desired tree shape. Be sure to cut through both layers of felt so your triangles are identical. 
  3. Using your sewing machine, sew up the sides of the tree, stitching the two triangles together. 
  4. Lightly stuff the tree, pushing the stuffing as far to the top as you can. With the stuffing pushed to the top, sew the bottoms of the triangles together {when they're sewn together, re-smush the stuffing so that it's more spread out}.
  5. Hand embroider stitched "garland" across the tree. Thread your needle and tie a knot in the end of the thread. Insert your needle between the two pieces of felt, at the bottom corner {this way, the knot will be hidden}. I stitched across using a backstitch, threading a bead onto my thread near the end of each row. Fasten off at the top, between the two layers of felt to hide the knot again. 
  6. Thread your needle with more thread {I used red} and insert your needle between the two layer of felt at the top of the tree. You want to go through the tree to the opposite side between the felt layers. Center your thread through the tree and tie the ends together at the top. This will serve as your ornament hanger!
  7. When your flower pot is dry, put a small amount of glue in the bottom and press a pom-pom into it. Add more glue and press in a second pom-pom. 
  8. Put a straight line of tacky glue across the top of your pot from edge-to-edge, over the pom-pom. 
  9. Press the bottom of your tree into the tacky glue and allow it to dry. I propped mine up against something so that the tree was able to stand up while drying. I allowed my ornament to dry overnight before handling. 

Does your family have any tree-decorating taditions? Do you prefer store-bought or handmade ornaments?

I secretly love the bright, shiny store-bought ornaments, and may have to have more than one tree someday to mix it up a bit! :)

If you give this a try, I'd love to see how it turns out!
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Monday, December 3

Day 03: Glittery Cards and Gift Tags!

 Hi friends :)

Today, I have another easy Christmas craft for you! This one was a spur-of-the-moment, inspired-at-the-craft-store kind of craft. I stumbled on this AMAZING glitter tape at Michaels! I assume it's sort of like washi tape, but glittery, although I've never used washi tape myself.

 At first I had selected a red and silver chevron pattern with red and silver accent ribbons, but THEN I SAW THESE TREES! I love these trees. I think they are the frickin' cutest.

The instructions are simple: Eyeball the length of tape you'll need for your tag or card, cut it slightly bigger than you'll need, peel the backing off, and stick it down! Align it to your liking; I did my tags straight across and my cards at an angle. Once the tape is good and stuck, trim the excess with scissors!

I love the mix of fancy glitter and basic kraft paper. Then again, I'm a fan of kraft paper in general. And of glitter.

So, what do we think? Are we digging the super easy, super simple, super doable-in-one-night-in-front-of-the-TV holiday craft projects? :))
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Sunday, December 2

New Crochet Christmas Ornaments: Cats!

New stuffed cat ornaments in the shop!  Aren't they cute?!

Want a cat custom-made to look like your own cat? Send me a message! ♥
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Saturday, December 1

Day 02: DIY Snowflake Garland

Today, I bring you a super easy DIY snowflake garland using snowflake felt stickers and pretty ombre yarn!

I found these glittery felt stickers when I was wandering the aisles of Michael's for an hour. They were already super cheap, but were on sale too! I got a pack of 21 snowflakes and made about 6 feet of garland...

This process: super simple. Basically, you're sandwiching yarn between two of the stickers.

I found that it was easiest to remove the sticker-back across the center of the first snowflake, stick down the yarn, then remove the sticker-back across the center of the second snowflake, make a yarn sandwich, then remove the rest of the sticker-back to fully attach the snowflakes to each other! Repeat a few inches down the yarn {to your taste, of course} until you're out of snowflakes!

 And voila!

You can hang it like a garland... I thought this looked a little sad with just the one strand though, so I'll be adding more garlands soon. :) Enjoy, beautiful people!
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Friday, November 30

Day 01: Christmas Tree Card DIY

So here's my idea: 25 days of Christmas! Of course, I had this idea a little late in the game, so it may turn into something more like 12 days of Christmas... We'll see, hah. BUT FOR DAY 01: An adorable DIY Christmas tree card to really get you in the Christmas spirit!

This was one of the ideas I had while I was supposed to be writing down other ideas... Actually, I wasn't supposed to be writing ideas either, I was supposed to be going to bed. Oops! Sometimes craftiness gets the best of me...

But here we go: A cute little tree with cork for the trunk, felt for the branches, and brads for the ornaments!

Supplies: A card + envelope (or make your own), some very thin cork (like the kind that comes in a roll!), felt (sticky-back if possible), star-shaped brads, colorful round brads, pretty paper, scissors, and glue. *Not pictured: a needle, preferably a thick tapestry or upholstery needle.

This card is super easy, and could easily be mass-produced for those of you who send out dozens of cards {over-achievers...;)}. 

  1. Cut a strip out of your cork about 2 inches or so shorter than your card {you know I eyeball-ed it}.
  2. Cut your felt into 4 pieces of various lengths {I did ~3", 2.5", 2", & 1.5"}, and one little triangle. 
  3. Glue your cork strip in the center of your card's front. I used tacky glue {because it was closest to me!}, but whatever works.
  4. Peel the back off your sticky-back felt {best invention ever} and stick the strips down from longest at the bottom to shortest at the top, pressing well on either side of the cork strip. 
  5. Poke holes into your felt & through the front of the card where you want your brads to go {both ornaments & the star}. Try to wiggle the needle around a little to make the hole wider... I actually put my star brad through the card-only, just above the felt triangle. 
  6. Carefully {but forcefully} shove the brads through the felt & card. I tried to use these cute glittery brads, but they were too thick & bendy to go through the card cleanly, so I switched to regular shiny-type brads. Close the brads on the underside of the card {you know, like how you use a brad ;)}
  7. Cut your pretty paper to fit the inside of the card {both sides}, and glue it down! Now you can add a personal message, stamp a greeting, or print out something cheery for the inside! 
Happy Holidays, and stay tuned for the rest of the {25} Days series!
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