Monday, December 16

Felted Gift Tags

I freaking love Christmas. Probably because I freaking love giving people presents. I love giving people presents for no reason, so to have a holiday on which I can give out all kinds of gifts to the people I care about? Freaking love it, y'all! 

In the last couple years, I have been getting more and more into making my presents look extra pretty. It's harder than I expected though, I can't lie. But when Create for Less sent me some wool roving and a needle felting kit, I knew it'd be fun to whip up some felted gift tags for the Think Crafts blog. What do you think?

Check out the full tutorial and more pictures here, and leave some love from Mon Makes Things! 

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Monday, December 9

Holiday DIYs

Last year, I was pretty new to this blogging game (and really, I still consider myself a novice). I ambitiously dreamed up 25 relatively quick holiday projects that I hoped to finish, but between finals and everything else, I only ended up posting a few. Here are four projects I posted last year, if you're looking to do some of your own holiday crafting this week! Can you tell I was on a felt kick? ;) 

My family has never been the timley-est when it comes to decorating for Christmas, so I am really just getting started on my little apartment. My mom, my brother and I always hunt down a real tree at a tree farm, and over the years it has become tradition to go right before Christmas... I think the latest we ever got a tree was December 23rd... This year we have the 22nd set as our tree hunting date, ha! BUT, then my mom leaves her tree up for weeks after Christmas. We have watched the Superbowl with the Christmas tree up. It's like the opposite of all you who decorate on (or before!) Thanksgiving. 

All that said, my later-than-usual habits of decorating and DIYing for Christmas makes blogging about it pretty tough, especially with these super short winter days! By the time I get home from work, it's way to dark to take photos! I tell ya, more goes into blogging than you'd think. 

Have you been crafting for the holidays? What have you been making? 

Also, do you have any tips on how to make your holiday decor cohesive? I struggle with decor... Choosing color palettes and all of that... Making everything go together is stressful! 

Happy crafting, friends! :)
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