Sunday, March 17

Oops, I Did it Again

Well folks, turns out I just can't leave well enough alone and have thus redesigned my blog yet again! I put a bit more effort into this one, trying to create a thorough and cohesive look that represented me and my bloggy here. 

I finally incorporated some category links, revitalized my sidebar, and am going to start posting buttons for some of my favorite blogs. If you'd like me to add your button and think your blog meshes well with mine, please, contact me! :) 

What do you think of the changes? I added a new "pin it" hover button, new titles for my sidebar sections, new social media icons, a new "hello," and (obviously) a new header and navigation bar! 

I secretly love playing with my site designs... When I was in high school, I would stay up all night tweaking my MySpace layout. Ahh, the glory days. ;) But seriously, it is way past my bedtime. Darn blog design has sucked me in again!!

I can't wait to hear your thoughts, beautiful people. And please, contact me about adding your buttons! ♥♥

let's connect ---> facebook // instagram // twitter // pinterest // bloglovin // rss

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  1. I agree, it's cohesive! The triangles remind me of how granny squares are made (well, triangles, in this case). Nice layout Monica! I wish I can make a nice design for my blog when I get the time soon. :)

    1. Thanks so much, Claire! And I get what you mean about the triangles, hah! I must have granny square patterns on the brain. ;) It always take a lot longer to do a layout than I think it will, but it's so worth it. :)

  2. Looks so clean and happy! I love the new look! Love the traingles too!!!! You're the bomb!


Thank you so much for your interest in my post! I'd love to hear your thoughts. :)