BIG NEWS, FRIENDS. Alright, I kind of already blew my big news in my
last post, and on my
Instagram account, because I COULD NOT CONTAIN MYSELF. BUT, here goes: I am in a magazine this month! Months and months ago, before I moved and before I even started apartment hunting, an editor at
All You Magazine contacted me about participating in a new monthly craft blogger challenge for the magazine. The challenge involves taking an everyday object and up-cycling it into something fabulous for $5 or less, in about 3 steps. Each month, two craft bloggers are assigned a new object and then
"face-off" on the All You Facebook page! There isn't a prize, other than bragging rights, and you know...
glory. ;)
Obviously, my "everyday object" was yogurt cups, and I was admittedly intimidated by the seemingly intense limitations, but I then found that the limitations could be inspiring! Since the project needed to cost no more than $5 (not including the cost of the yogurt, of course), I started brainstorming ways to up-cycle other things that everyone has. Enter: Christmas lights! I repurposed a string of mini Christmas lights that I had lying around, and since they are something seemingly everyone owns, they weren't factored into the cost! For the rest of my supplies, I dug through my craft supply boxes and raided the dollar store. I can't believe how nice it turned out for so little money!
Stuff You'll Need: 10 yogurt cups (I used Chobani), gold metallic acrylic paint, paint brush, ribbon, tulle, scissors, Christmas lights, exacto knife, optional: lighter, triple thick glaze
Start by removing any labels from your yogurt cups, then wash and dry them. Paint the bottom half of your yogurt cups gold (I didn't tape off, because I'm daring and have a vendetta against painter's tape, hah). I did two coats; I have them numbered 01 & 02 in the photos above. I added a coat of triple thick glaze to my painted cups for durability, but if you don't have any, don't worry about it. When the cups are dry, cup an X in the bottom of the cup with your exacto knife (refer to photo 03).
Cut a whole bunch of ribbon pieces to about 6" long, and cut your tulle into 3" wide strips. Again, for durability, carefully melt the ends of your ribbon with a lighter. I snagged all my ribbon and tulle from the dollar store, and had a ton left over. Knot your ribbon and tulle pieces along your light strand. Count your lights and distribute your yogurt cups evenly along the strand. Push a light bulb through the X cut into the back of each of your yogurt cups until they are all on your strand. Hang it up and enjoy!

What do you think of my upcycled yogurt cups?! I would be lying if I didn't tell you that during the production of this project, I had a mini-breakdown that included me face-down on the floor on the verge of tears. I don't like pressure!! Haha, I should add that between school and a speedy deadline for this project, I only had one day to work on this... And I may have done a lot of trial-and-error crafting in that one day... It was exciting. But being in a magazine?! MORE EXCITING.
I bought 10 copies... And the cashier didn't even ask me why! Moment ruined, cashier. I was all ready to be like, "Wellll, if you turn to the last page, you can see that this is me. FAMOUS!" Hahaha, oh well.
Grab a copy of the magazine in stores now, and go to the All You Facebook page to vote
here! Voting closes November 8th. If you vote for me, I thank you in advance, and if you leave a comment, you will probably make me blush. ♥
P.S. Don't forget to enter to win a Halloween Handbook from All You in
this post! The book is filled with super fun, super easy craft ideas and recipes, and there are a TON of easy ways for you to enter!