Scotty loves lists. List making is a self-proclaimed "hobby" of his. And I mean, I love a good list myself; chances are if it isn't going on a to-do list somewhere, it doesn't have a prayer of being remembered let alone accomplished. We have even filled out a few "couples" list-type books like All About Us and more recently, The Activity Book for Couples. We haven't made it through the latter yet, but they're fun to have lying around. It's always funny, and sometimes dangerous (!), to see how your partner answers different questions. So I thought to myself... Why not make up a simple love book for Scott & I? Awww... ;)

I made up all the "categories," obviously, and I'm sure some are a little weird ("favorite people," maybe?) but they're all derived from our relationship in some way. I always tell him he's my favorite person. ;)
I've provided the link below for a printable of the pages so you could make your own book!
**Warning: Some pages are a little risqué!** I have it set up to be printed back-to-back, stacked, and folded all together. You want to print front and back as follows: 1&2, 3&4, 5&6, 7&8, 9&10, 11&12, 13&14. Stack them with page 1 facing down, on the bottom, up through page 14 facing up on top. Then fold in half so that the right side of page 1 (the cover) is the first page. I printed on cardstock and folded each page individually so that the cardstock would fold cleanly.For my cover, I cut a piece of polka dot 12"x12" piece of scrapbook paper down to 8.5"x11.5". I also cut a piece of pink 12"x12" paper to the same size. I then stuck the two together with a tape runner and folded it in half for my cover.
Using a sharp needle, I poked 6 holes through the pages along the middle (.75" and 1.75" from each edge, and .5" on either side of the center). Poke through all the pages and through the cover. I went from the inside pages out. (you can see this in the above photo)
Thread your needle with some pretty embroidery floss and knot the end. Sew through the outside (the cover) into the first hole, down through the second, up through the third, and so on. Repeat until you feel the binding is sturdy. I did three passes. Knot the thread on the outside of the cover when you're done.
To finish the cover, I covered the spine in washi tape to hide the embroidery floss, cut a heart out of the same pink paper (freehand), and our initials (M + S) out of white cardstock (freehand). I stuck it all to the front with the tape runner! :)
Obviously this is a day late for Valentine's Day, but this would make a cute, heartfelt gift for an anniversary... a birthday... Whatever you'd like! If you tackle this project, I'd love to see!

I love this idea! Lance's birthday is tomorrow and I'm SO AT A LOSS...maybe I could make something similar to this! Too cute!!!